Lower Limb - Ankle - Joints and Ligaments

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Ankle - Joints and Ligaments

Ankle Joint

Ankle (Talocrural) Joint
  • Is a hinge-type (ginglymus) synovial joint between the tibia and fibula superiorly and the trochlea of the talus inferiorly permitting dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.
Articular capsule
  • Is a thin fibrous capsule that lies both anteriorly and posteriorly, allowing movement.
  • Is reinforced medially by the medial (or deltoid) ligament and laterally by the lateral ligament, which prevents anterior and posterior slipping of the tibia and fibula on the talus.

Ankle Ligaments

Medial (deltoid) ligament
  • Has four parts: the tibionavicular, tibiocalcaneal, anterior tibiotalar, and posterior tibiotalar ligaments.
  • Extends from the medial malleolus to the navicular bone, calcaneus, and talus.
  • Prevents overeversion of the foot and helps maintain the medial longitudinal arch.
Lateral ligament
  • Consists of the anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular, and calcaneofibular (cord-like) ligaments.
  • Resists inversion of the foot and may be torn during an ankle sprain (inversion injury).

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