Toes - AP/DP

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Name of Projection Toes - DP
Area Covered Phalanges and at least half of the length metatarsals
Pathology Shown Fractures, dislocation, foreign body, some pathologies such as osteoarthritis and gout
Radiographic Anatomy Toes Radiographic Anatomy
IR Size & Orientation 18 x 24cm
Landscape, divided in two usually fit 2 views, use lead masking for unused area
Film / Screen Combination Detail
(CR and DR as recommended by manufacturer)
Bucky / Grid No
Filter Yes - when using film a thin filter covering phalanges and distal metatarsals
Exposure 55 kVp
2.5 mAs
FFD / SID 100cm
Central Ray CR angled 10° - 15° towards calcaneus
Directed to the metatarsophalangeal joints
Collimation Four sides of collimation
Outer skin margins of foot on the sides
Upper margin to include distal phalanges, Lower margin to include metatrsals
Markers Distal and Lateral
Marker orientation AP
Shielding Gonadal (check your department's policy guidelines)
Respiration Not applicable
Positioning Some departmental protocols include centering and collimation for the AP toes to include all the toes and distal metatarsals. The majority include centering to the toe of interest with closer collimation to include only one digit on each side of the injury (check your department's policy guidelines)

  • Patient supine or seated on the X-ray table or barouche
  • Knee of affected limb flexed with plantar surface of foot resting on IR
  • Ensure that MP joint(s) of the digit(s) in question are centred
  • CR angled 10° - 15° towards calcaneus, directed to the metatarsophalangeal joints


Area Covered



Special Notes