Subtalar Joint - AP Axial Oblique - Medial Rotation (Isherwood)

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Name of projection Subtalar Joint - AP Axial Oblique - Medial Rotation (Isherwood)
Area Covered Distal tibia and fibula, entire talus and calcaneum, proximal tarsal bones
Pathology shownMiddle subtalar articulation, open sinus tarsi
Radiographic Anatomy
IR Size & Orientation 18 x 24cm
Film / Screen Combination Detail
(CR and DR as recommended by manufacturer)
Bucky / Grid No
Exposure 60 kVp
3.2 mAs
FFD / SID 100cm
Central Ray CR to a point 2cm distal and 2cm anterior to the lateral malleolus 10° cephalad
Collimation Four sides of collimation
collimate to ankle jont and calcaneum
Markers Distal and lateral
Marker orientation AP
Shielding Gonadal (check your department's policy guidelines)
RespirationNot applicable
  • Patient in a semi seated position on table and turn with their weight resting on the flexed hip and thigh of the unaffected side
  • Patient's leg fully extended
  • Lower leg in AP position, dorsiflex foot
  • Place IR under the ankle
  • Internally rotate leg 60°
  • CR to a point 2cm distal and 2cm anterior to the lateral malleolus 10° cephalad

Area Covered
Special Notes