Subtalar Joint - AP Axial Oblique - Lateral Rotation

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Name of projection Subtalar Joint - AP Axial Oblique - Lateral Rotation (Broden) (Clarks)
Area Covered Distal tibia and fibula, entire talus and calcaneum, proximal tarsal bones
Pathology shownThe posterior talar articular surface of the calcaneus is shown in profile, the articulation between the talus and sustentaculum tali is also seen
Radiographic Anatomy
IR Size & Orientation 18 x 24cm
Film / Screen Combination Detail
(CR and DR as recommended by manufacturer)
Bucky / Grid No
Exposure 60 kVp
3.2 mAs
FFD / SID 100cm
Central Ray CR directed to a point 2cm distal and 2cm anterior to the medial malleolus with a cephalic angle of 15°
Collimation Four sides of collimation
collimate to ankle jont and calcaneum
Markers Distal and lateral
Marker orientation AP
Shielding Gonadal (check your department's policy guidelines)
RespirationNot applicable
  • Patient supine
  • Patient's leg fully extended on the table
  • Place IR under the ankle
  • Rotate lower leg laterally 45°
  • Foot dorsiflexed to 90°
  • CR directed to a point 2cm distal and 2cm anterior to the medial malleolus
  • CR angled 15° cephalic

Area Covered
Special Notes