Sinuses - Lateral

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Name of projection Sinuses - LateralThis is a featured page
Area Covered Sphenoid sinuses, superimposed frontal , ethmoid and maxillary sinuses, sella turcica and orbital roofs
Pathology shown Inflammatory conditions ie: sinusitis, secondary osteomyelitis and sinus polyps
Radiographic Anatomy Sinuses Radiographic Anatomy
IR Size & Orientation 18 x 24cm
Film / Screen Combination Regular
(CR and DR as recommended by manufacturer)
Bucky / Grid Moving or Stationary Grid
Filter No
Exposure 66 kVp
16 mAs
FFD / SID 100cm
Central Ray CR 2cm posterior to the outer canthus
Collimation Four sides of collimation
Collimate closely to area of sinus cavities
Markers Inferior and Lateral
Marker orientation PA
Shielding Gonadal (check your department's policy guidelines)
Respiration Suspended
Positioning Erect
  • Patient standing or sitting facing the upright bucky
  • Oblique the body slightly to assist with positioning and patient comfort
  • Adjust head into a true lateral position (palpate the external occipital protuberance posteriorly and the nason or glabella anteriorly to ensure that these points are equidistant from bucky)
  • Align midsagittal plane parrallel to IR
  • Align interpupillary line perpendicular to IR
  • Adjust chin to bring the infraorbitomeatal line perpendicular to front edge of IR
  • CR 2cm posterior to the outer canthus

Area Covered
Special Notes