Muscles of Facial Expression

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Muscles of Facial Expression

Muscle - Occipitofrontalis
Origin - Superior nuchal line; upper orbital margin
Insertion - Epicranial aponeurosis
Nerve - Facial
Action - Elevates eyebrows; wrinkles forehead (surprise)

Muscle - Corrugator supercilii
Origin - Medial supraorbital margin
Insertion - Skin of medial eyebrow
Nerve - Facial
Action - Draws eyebrows downward medially (anger, frowning)

Muscle - Orbicularis oculi
Origin - Medial orbital margin; medial palpebral ligament; lacrimal bone
Insertion - Skin and rim of orbit; tarsal plate; lateral palpebral raphe
Nerve - Facial
Action - Closes eyelids (squinting)

Muscle - Procerus
Origin - Nasal bone and cartilage
Insertion - Skin between eyebrows
Nerve - Facial
Action - Wrinkles skin over bones (sadness)

Muscle - Nasalis
Origin - Maxilla lateral to incisive fossa
Insertion - Ala of nose
Nerve - Facial
Action - Draws ala of nose toward septum

Muscle - Depressor septi
Origin - Incisive fossa of maxilla
Insertion - Ala and nasal septum
Nerve - Facial
Action - Constricts nares

Muscle - Orbicularis oris
Origin - Maxilla above incisor teeth
Insertion - Skin of lip
Nerve - Facial
Action - Closes lips

Muscle - Levator anguli
Origin - Canine fossa of oris maxilla
Insertion - Angle of mouth
Nerve - Facial
Action - Elevates angle of mouth medially (disgust)

Muscle - Levator labii superioris
Origin - Maxilla above infraorbital foramen
Insertion - Skin of upper lip
Nerve - Facial
Action - Elevates upper lip; dilates nares (disgust)

Muscle - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Origin - Frontal process of maxilla
Insertion - Skin of upper lip
Nerve - Facial
Action - Elevates ala of nose and upper lip

Muscle - Zygomaticus major
Origin - Zygomatic arch
Insertion - Angle of mouth
Nerve - Facial
Action - Draws angle of mouth backward and upward (smile)

Muscle - Zygomaticus minor
Origin - Zygomatic arch
Insertion - Angle of mouth
Nerve - Facial
Action - Elevates upper lip

Muscle - Depressor labii
Origin - Mandible below inferioris mental foram
Insertion - Orbicularis oris and skin of lower lip
Nerve - Facial
Action - Depresses lower lip

Muscle - Depressor anguli oris
Origin - Oblique line of mandible
Insertion - Angle of mouth
Nerve - Facial
Action - Depresses angle of mouth (frowning)

Muscle - Risorius
Origin - Fascia over masseter
Insertion - Angle of mouth
Nerve - Facial
Action - Retracts angle of mouth (false smile)

Muscle - Buccinator
Origin - Mandible; pterygomandibular raphe; alveolar processes
Insertion - Angle of mouth
Nerve - Facial
Action - Presses cheek to keep it taut

Muscle - Mentalis
Origin - Incisive fossa of mandible
Insertion - Skin of chin
Nerve - Facial
Action - Elevates and protrudes lower lip

Muscle - Auricularis anterior, superior, and posterior
Origin - Temporal fascia; epicranial aponeurosis; mastoid proc
Insertion - Anterior, superior, and posterior sides of auricle
Nerve - Facial
Action - Retract and elevate ear

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