Lateral Chest Case 7

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This is the answer page to Case 7 from the page titled What is the Value of the Lateral Chest Projection?

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PA Erect Chest

PA erect chest
This 76 year old male presented to the Emergency Department with chest pain
The right heart border is not clearly demonstrated.
There is eventration of the right hemidiapharagm

Lateral Chest

lateral chest
There is evidence of pectus exavatum which is a normal variant and known cause of apparent loss of the right heart border.
Pectus excavatum refers to the depression of the sternum inferiorly (arrowed)
? small bilateral pleural effusions


The lateral chest revealed the patient's pectus excavatum deformity which explained the apparent loss of the right heart border. This appearance can be mistaken for a silhouette sign indicating RML disease.

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