W - Glossary of Terms

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W - Glossary of Terms

WashingThe stage of processing during which any remaining chemicals are removed from the film.
Watt (W) One ampere of current flowing through an electric potential of one volt.
Wave equation The formula stating that velocity equals frequency multiplied by wavelength.
WaveformThe graphic representation of a wave.
WavelengthThe distance between similar points on a sine wave; the length of one cycle.
Wave-particle duality The principle stating that both wave and particle concepts must be retained, since wavelike properties are exhibited in some experiments and particle-like are exhibited properties in others.
Wave theory The theory that electromagnetic energy travels through space in the form of waves.
WeightThe force on a mass caused by the acceleration of gravity. Properly expressed in newtons (N), but commonly expressed in pounds (lb).
Wetting A process that makes the emulsion film swell so that subsequent chemical baths can reach all parts of the emulsion uniformly.
Wetting agent The agent, usually water, that treats the radiograph so that the chemicals can penetrate the emulsion.
White matterAxions are surrounded by myelin, a fatty substance which is almost white in colour. Areas of the central
nervous system rich in axions constitute the white matter (see grey matter).
Whole body For purposes of external exposure, the head, trunk (including gonads), arms above the elbow, and leg above the knee.
Whole-body exposure A radiographic exposure in which the whole body, rather than an isolated part, is irradiated.
WindowA thin section of glass envelope through which the useful beam emerges.
WindowingThe technique that allows one to see only a "window" of the entire dynamic range.
Window level The location on a digital image number scale where the levels of grays are assigned. It regulates the optical density of the displayed image and identifies the type of tissue to be imaged.
Window width A specific number of gray levels or digital image numbers assigned to an image. It determines the gray-scale rendition of the imaged tissue and therefore the image contrast.
Word Two bytes of information.
Work (W) The product of the force on an object and the distance over which the force acts. Expressed in Joules (J). W = F X d.
Workload (W) The product of the maximum milliamperage (mA) and the number of X-ray examinations performed per week. Expressed in milliamperes per minute per week (mA/min/wk).
WorkstationA powerful desktop system, often connected to larger computer systems so that users can transfer and share information.
Wormian bone(wer´me-an) See sutural bone.

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