CT Textbooks

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Good text books for study and reference use

CT Textbooks
CT Textbooks - wikiRadiography
Bushong, S (2000) Computed tomography, McGraw-Hill, New York.
<a class="external" href="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Mosby-s-Exam-Review-for-Computed-Tomography/Daniel-N-DeMaio/e/9780323065900/?itm=1&USRI=demaio%2c+d.++2011+.+mosby%27s+exam+review+for+computed+tomography" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Mosby?s Exam Review for Computed Tomography by Daniel N. DeMaio: Book Cover</a>
DeMaio, D. (2011). Mosby's Exam Review for Computed Tomography, 2nd edition. Mosby/Elsevier, St.Louis.

CT Textbooks - wikiRadiography
Kalender, W (2000) Computed tomography: fundamentals, sysem technology, image quality, applications, Publicis MCD Verlag, Munich.
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Marincek, B, Ros, P, Reiser, M & Baker, M (2001) Multislice CT: a practical guide, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
CT Textbooks - wikiRadiography
Prokop, M, & Galanski, M (2003) Spiral and multislice computed tomography of the body, Thieme, Stuttgart.
CT Textbooks - wikiRadiography
Hofer, M (2007) CT Teaching Manual: A Systematic Approach to CT Reading, Thieme, Stuttgart.
CT Textbooks - wikiRadiography
Romans, L (1995) Introduction to computed tomography, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
<a class="external" href="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Computed-Tomography-for-Technologists/Lois-Romans/e/9780781777513/?itm=1&USRI=lois+romans" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Computed Tomography for Technologists by Lois Romans: Book Cover</a>

Romans, L (2011) Computed Tomography for Technologists: A Comptrehenisve Text, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
<a class="external" href="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Computed-Tomography-for-Technologists/Lois-Romans/e/9780781777964/?itm=2&USRI=lois+romans" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Computed Tomography for Technologists by Lois Romans: Book Cover</a>

Romans, L (2011) Computed Tomography for Technologists: Exam Review, Williams & Willkins, Philidelphia.
CT Textbooks - wikiRadiography Seeram, E (2001) Computed tomography: physical principles, clinical applications and quality control, 2nd edn, WB
Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
<a class="external" href="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Computed-Tomography/Euclid-Seeram/e/9781416028956/?itm=1&USRI=computed+tomography" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Computed Tomography by Euclid Seeram: Book Cover</a>
Seeram, E (2009) Computed Tomography: Physical Priniciples, Clinical Applications and Quality Control, 3rd Edition, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
CT Textbooks - wikiRadiography
Silverman, P (2002) Multislice computed tomography: a practical approach to clinical protocols, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.

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